Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Return of the sunshine

Greetings of Love..
I have been away camping and hiking just a good way to kick off the summer. Sometimes it is really hard to get the urge to go to the computer when you only get such limited time out of the year with nice weather. Getting back at the work to be done has been rewarding as well. Everything has finally been planted in the garden. Seems quite late being July and all but with the rain and cold weather we had this is the best we could do. Now my big job is to get cracking with wood splitting.
We have had a new introduction to our garden this year. It has been quite detrimental. It is the striped cucumber beetle.

What a bug. Not only do they destroy squash, pumpkin, cucumbers,zucchini but there larvae will eat the roots of corn...I will not use anything against these bugs to kill them. I know there is "organic" pesticides that can be used. But seriously if it kills bugs how organic can it really be. Maybe I am just skeptical. What I read was to plant radishes in the same location as the plants it eats. Radishes grow fast and hopefully the SCB will destroy them before the squash and so forth. I have also been diligent in constantly removing them from the plants, Even obsessing over them maybe.I can get rid of there frustration with some wood chopping....Well I don't know what else to do, any good clean advice would be helpful...
Hoping you all a wonderful day


  1. We don't have SCB where I live, thank goodness!
    I think your best bet is definitely companion planting and removing them by hand from the plants. It so awful planting something and watching it grow for it then to be destroyed. Pigeons and pheasants are what destroys veg on my allotment. I have to cover most things with netting and wire.
    Wishing you a wonderful day and best of luck with the SCB!

  2. He or she is quite cute, but I just don't know what the answer is to this dilemma. I understand your concern though, for if I was you I'm sure I would be as well.

    Peace to you all!!!
